Our centre was originally Three Bears, New Lynn.
In October 2020, our centre changed hands and started a new journey, re-establishing relationships, living, loving and learning under new ownership, and together, consulting with community to identify who we were, and what we wanted to be called, we established Nurturing Hearts Early Learning Centre.
in 2022, ERO visited our centre for it's first ERO review as Nurturing Hearts and we were delighted with our successful outcome of a fully compliant centre, with two goals for the future around strengthening documentation. We are well and truly on our journey achieving these goals.
These are our goals:
1. Improving the extent to which assessment information shows children’s progress and learning over time.
2. Strengthening the extent to which information documented about children’s learning reflects their identity, languages, and cultures.
You're welcome to read our report, and join us on our journey into the future.