Our Now & Future
Our now
Our now, is seen in our resource choice. It is seen in how we manage our food and packaging waste. We have water play at our centre, using water collected from rain fall. We have a worm farm that feeds off our food scraps and the worm wee feeds our garden. We eat strawberries, tomatoes, peas from our garden, and we even taste our garden grown honey suckle.
We are mindful and purposeful in what we bring into the centre and we talk about it.
Our current whole centre enquiry is what more can we do? Where are we now and where are we going? How can we further reduce waste?
Nappy service is one of the things that we are looking into. Every step we take, we also need to consider our parents and their very busy lives. We want to focus on waste reduction, but we don’t ant to give our whanau more work.
Do you have any ideas on how we can further support sustainability? Or questions we could ask ourselves and reflect on in thinking about our future. Please share them if you do.
Our future
Zero Discharge
This means ensureing that anything that leaves our centre and goes into the waterways is natural and non-toxic. At present, during the Covid pandemic, we are not there yet,m as we have some stepped up infection control strategies in place and regulated. We hope that this can be a significantly modified aspect in the future.
Stepped up Resource Conservation
We are building on this all the time and We have low-flow taps with automatic shut off, water efficient toilets and energy efficient light bulbs. We are looking at solar panels, water harvesting and we see this as being a big and important future project.
Stepped up Waste Minimization / Waste Reduction
Our summer picnic gifts always follow a sustainability theme, and we have given honeys wraps, reusable yoghurt pouches, straws, etc.
As part of our zero discharge, choosing the right products that we can refill using the same containers will really help towards our zero waste and this is an ongoing project.
We are currently investigating a nappy service to support whanau to use reusable nappies whilst in attendance at Nurturing Hearts, if not at home too.